Senin, 03 Agustus 2015

The name of flowers in english

Nama              : Evi Nur Padillah
Kelas                : 4SA01
Npm                : 18611504

1.      Topic                           : The flowers
2.      Sub-topic                     : The name of flowers in english
3.      Target students           : The first grade of the elementary school in the first semester
4.      The method applied    : The grammar – translation method
5.      Teaching – learning activities

Teacher’s activities
Students activity
The teacher greets to students by saying “Good morning class?”
The students answer the teacher’s greeting by saying “Good morning Miss”.
The teacher asks to the students about their condition by saying “How are you today?”.
The students will answer the teacher’s question with variant answer. For example “I’m good, I’m fine, etc”.
Introducing her self in front of the class for a moment. After that she will ask the students to make sure all the students understand and get the information.
The students will listen carefully and some of them will do same thing like the students introducing their self in front of the class.
Before the teacher explains about material for today. The first she will ask “who likes flowers?”.
The students will answer in many variant.
The teacher explains “the name of flowers  English” and mention one by one until finish.
The students follow the teacher’s say and practice.
The teacher gives a moment for students to memorise them.
The students try to memorise what they have been written about “ the name of flowers in English”.
The teacher asks and chooses the students with random to stand up and mention “the name of flowers  in english”.
The choosen student stand up and mention it.
If all students have finished to mention that name of numbers in English , the teacher would say thank to students and giving applause.
The students are so happy and giving applause too.
The teacher reviews the material for last secion and asks to students to follow her.
The students mention and follow what the teacher’s say.
The teacher gives the exam
The students answer it
Collecting the result of what the students do
Collecting the answer sheet
The teacher says “thanks for today, and thats enough, see you next week?”.
The students say “ okay miss, see you”.

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