Selasa, 17 Maret 2015


TUGAS 1: Mencari Artikel Mengenai Kebudayaan.
Nama               : Evi Nur Padillah
Npm                : 18611504
Kelas               : 4SA01       
1.      Artikel

Menilik Keunikan Batik Kas Cirebon
Kemajemukan budaya di Indonesia membuat kita bangga menjadi orang Indonesia. Nah, sekarang tugas kita adalah menjaga agar akar budaya tersebut tidak sirna dimakan jaman. Salah satu karya budaya bumi pertiwi yang harus dilestarikan adalah batik. Beragam jenis dan motif batik hadir di Indonesia sesuai dengan karakter dan daerah masing-masing. Salah satu yang unik adalah batik khas Cirebon.

Batik Cirebon motif Mega Mendung

Batik Cirebon ini memiliki ciri unik dengan motif awan-awan yang menarik. Oleh karena itu, motif batik khas Cirebon ini disebut dengan motif Mega Mendung. Motif ini juga identik dan bahkan telah menjadi ikon batik pesisiran Cirebon. Motif Mega Mendung tadi juga menjadi ciri khas batik Cirebon karena tidak dapat ditemui di pesisir penghasil batik lain di utara Jawa.
Selain unik dan menarik, motif batik Mega Mendung khas Cirebon ini juga memiliki sejarah yang sangat kuat. Motif awan dan warna-warna tegas seperti biru dan merah pun memiliki filosofi tersendiri bagi masyarakat Cirebon.
Menurut sejarah, batik Cirebon merupakan hasil asimilasi dan akulturasi beragam budaya yang ada ketika Pelabuhan Muara Jati di Cirebon menjadi tempat persinggahan para pedagang. Pedagang yang singgah berasal dari Tiongkok, Arab, Persia, dan India.
Berawal dari pernikahan Putri Ong Tien wanita berketurunan Tiongkok dengan Sunan Gunung Djati yang disinyalir menjadi gerbang bergabungnya dua kebudayaan tersebut. ketika itu keraton menjadi pusat kosmik sehingga ide atau gagasan serta pernak-pernik budaya Tiongkok masuk dan berasimilasi dengan budaya Cirebon. Salah satu yang dihasilkan adalah batik Cirebon dengan motif awan-awan yang lekat dengan mitologi Tiongkok.
Motif Mega Mendung sendiri yang berupa awan-awan dianggap sebagai lambang kesuburan. Awan pembawa hujan membawa kesuburan dan kehidupan bagi masyarakat. Warna-warna yang ada seperti biru yang melambangkan kehidupan yang cerah juga mendominasi batik ini. Namun seiring dengan waktu, batik Cirebon ini juga memiliki warna yang beragam seperti hijau, merah atau bahkan putih.
Batik Cirebon memang memiliki motif yang khas serta unik. Karya indah khas Cirebon ini juga tidak hanya sebagai karya budaya yang dapat dinikmati keindahannya. Lebih dari itu, keindahan dan keanggunan batik ini juga mengandung nilai dan arti budaya yang filosofis yang menjadi kekayaan nusantara.

2.      Hasil Terjemahan Menggunakan Google Translate

Given the uniqueness of Cash Batik Cirebon
Indonesia's cultural diversity makes us proud to be Indonesian. Well, now our job is to keep the cultural roots do not disappear the ages. One of the cultural work that must be preserved motherland is batik. Various types and Indonesian batik motifs present in accordance with the characters and their respective regions. One unique is unique batik Cirebon.
Batik Cirebon has a unique characteristic motif interesting clouds. Therefore, this Cirebon batik motifs called Mega Overcast motif. This motif is also identical, and even has become an icon of coastal batik Cirebon. Mega Overcast motif was also a characteristic of Cirebon batik because it can not be found in other coastal batik producers in northern Java.
In addition to the unique and interesting, distinctive motif Mega Overcast Cirebon also has a very strong history. Cloud motifs and colors such as blue and red firm also has its own philosophy for the people of Cirebon.
Historically, Cirebon batik is the result of assimilation and acculturation diverse cultures that exist when the Port of Muara Teak in Cirebon becomes a place for traders. Traders who stopped originating from China, Arabia, Persia, and India.
Starting from the wedding of Princess Ong Tien-bred Chinese women with Sunan Gunung Djati which is suppose to be the gate of the merger of the two cultures. when the palace into a cosmic center that idea or ideas as well as Chinese culture trinkets come in and assimilated into the culture of Cirebon. One produced is Cirebon batik motif clouds attached to the Chinese mythology.
Overcast Mega motif itself in the form of clouds are considered as a symbol of fertility. Carrier clouds rain brings fertility and life for the community. Existing colors like blue symbolizes the bright life also dominates this batik. But over time, this Cirebon batik also have a variety of colors such as green, red or even white.
Cirebon batik motif does have a distinctive and unique. Wonderful work typical of Cirebon is also not only as a work culture that can enjoy its beauty. Moreover, the beauty and elegance of this batik also contain cultural values and philosophical meaning into the wealth of the archipelago.

3.      Hasil Terjemahan Sendiri

Tell the future about uniqueness of specialty Cirebon’s Batik

            The diversity of culture in Indonesia makes us so proud to be Indonesian. Well, our job for now that’s to keep the cultural roots do not disappear by the period. One of  the cultural work for motherland which must be preserved is Batik. Various types and Indonesia Batik motifs in accordance with the characters and their respective regions. One unique from Batik that’s Cirebon Batik.
            The Cirebon Batik has a unique design with motif of interesting clouds. Therefore, this Cirebon’s Batik motif is called “ Mega mendung” motif. This motif is also identical, and even has become an icon of coastal Cirebon Batik. The motif  of “ Mega mendung” or “overcast cloud” was also a characteristic of Cirebon Batik, because it could not be found in other coastal which produce Batik in Northern Java.
            In addition from the uniqueness and interesting, the Batik motif of clouds overcast was Cirebon specialty also has a very strong history. Could motifs and colors like blue and red also has its own philosophy for society of Cirebon.
            In historically, Cirebon Batik is the result of assimilation and acculturation diverse culture which there when the port of Muara Jati in Cirebon became a place for traders. The traders who stopped from China, Arabia, Persia, and India.
Starting from the wedding of Princess Ong Tien-bred Chinese women with Sunan Gunung Djati which is suppose to be the gate of the merger of the two cultures. when the palace into a cosmic center that idea or ideas as well as Chinese culture trinkets come in and assimilated into the culture of Cirebon. One produced is Cirebon batik motif clouds attached to the Chinese mythology.
The overcast clouds motif itself which has the form of clouds are considered as a symbol of fertility. Carrier clouds rain brings fertility and life for society. Existing the colors like blue symbolizes the bright life also dominates in this Batik. But over time, this Cirebon Batik also has varierty of colorssuch as green, red, or even white.
            Cirebon Batik motif exactly has uniqueness. Wonderful work typical of Cirebon not only as a work culture that can enjoy from the beauty. Moreover, the beauty and elegance of this Batik also contain cultural values and philosophical meaning into the wealth of archipelago.