Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

business communication

Business Communication
a.          Definiton
Business communication is communication that promotes a product, service, marketing, or organization; relays information within a business; or functions as an official statement from a company.

b.         Effective business communication
Ø Face-to-face
      Face-to-face communication helps to establish a personal connection and will help sell the product or service to the customer. Information is easier to access and delivered immediately with these interactions rather than waiting for an email or phone call.
Ø Email
         When using email to communicate in the business world, it is important to be careful how things are worded. Miscommunication is very frequent as the reader doesn’t know what non-verbal cues you are giving off, such as the pitch, tone, or expressions.
Ø  Telephone
         When making a business call make it clear who you are and where you are from as well as your message when on the phone.
Ø Memorandum
         Memorandums are straight to the point and used within a company to communicate information to individuals or departments.  

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Short conversation

How I start my veil business
Agustini : Hey, Evi ! Long time no see! And now your veil business has gone into a great success. Its a wonderful
Evi                         : Thank you, Agustini. I’m still trying as best as I can to satisfy every customer.
Agustini : Wow. Can you tell me the story of your success, Evi?
Evi                         : Well, before my business goes this big, I also experienced hard times. At the first time starting out my veil, the place where I made the veil  was in my house . I did everything by myself. I made design of veil, I chose kind of cloth, I sewed the veil, I marketed my veil to my friends in the college and my neighbours. I tried my best to satisfy people and make them love my veils.
Agustini : And then… what happened next?
Evi                         : Over time, many people began to like my veils. Seeing that opportunity, with adequate fund of bank loan and driven by strong will, I decided to build and open up my own veil store. It wasn’t still a large veil store.
Agustini : Did many people come to buy right after you opened the veil store?
Evi                         : It was like I needed to start over again. I had to introduce my new-open veil store to people once more. I made brochures and leaflets to get people know my veil and I also marketed my veil by internet in social media like facebook, instagram, online shop and so on. Finally, people started to come over my veil store. My veil customers then increased in number by the help of mouth-to-mouth promotions. That was how my marketing strategy worked.
Agustini : Wow, weren’t you overwhelmed to handle those customers all by yourself?
Evi                         : Of course, I had trouble to meet customer’s demands. Therefore, I decided to employ workers to work on my veil store. I started out employing 10 workers; 8 workers to work with me making design of veil and sew , and the rest became cashier and salesclerk that serve customers.
Agustini : Do you need more workers then?
Evi                         : Of course, my scale of production was getting massive over time. Therefore, I started to employ more workers, enlarge and trim up my veils store, enhance my business strategy until today.
Agustini : What do you consider as the most important thing in running your veil business?
Evi                         : Definitely, costumer’s satisfaction. I wouldn’t have run my business smoothly if I belittled customer’s satisfaction. One satisfaction of a customer is enough to attract other customers to come.
Agustini : That’s great, Evi. Thank you for sharing. I wish your story can be helpful for me someday.

Evi                         : You’re welcome, Agustini. 

Application letter

Mr. Fauzi Rachman
Zambrud Company
32 Ahmad Yani Road
June 15, 2014

Dear Mr. Fauzi
I submitted a letter of application and a resume earlier this month for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. To date, I have not heard from your office. I would like to confirm receipt of my application and reiterate my interest in the job.
I am very interested in working at Zambrud Company and I believe my skills and experience would be an ideal match for this position.
If necessary, I would be glad to resend my application materials or to provide any further information you might need regarding my candidacy. I can be reached at 081295098572 or evinurpadillah@gmail.com . I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your consideration.


Evi Nur Padillah

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae
Full Name                   : Evi Nur Padillah
Place of Birth              : Majalengka
Date of Birth               : June 15, 1993
Sex                             : Female
Marital Status              : Single
Religion                       : Moslem
Nationality                   : Indonesia
Address                       : Komp BPP st. Semarang BL 2. II 007/008
                                     Cilincing Jakarta Utara-
Mobile                         : 081295098572
E-mail                          : evinurpadillah@gmail.com

1999-2005                               : SDN Patuanan 2 Majalengka
2005-2008                               : SMPN 2 Leuwimunding, Majalengka
2008-2011                               : SMK Wahidin Cirebon
2011-Present                           : Gunadarma University

2005-2007                               : English Course at LPHI (Lembaga Pendidikan Harapan


kalimat dengan istilah bisnis

1.     Banyak pengusaha profesional yang mengadakan seminar tentang suatu teknik yang menjelaskan cara-cara menjual produk/jasa agar mampu meningkatkan daya jual tinggi untuk memberikan banyak informasi dan pelajaran untuk menjadi pengusaha profesional.

2.     Disetiap bulannya dia harus membayar pinjaman pada relasi bisnis lainnya dengan bunga yang semakin meningkat.

3.     Biaya untuk pengiklanan suatu produk di lokasi periklanan yang menghadap arus lalu lintas memiliki harga yang lebih mahal.

4.     Pak Fauzi bersama timnya di ruang meeting sedang mendiskusikan perkiraan biaya suatu barang.

5.     Setiap perusahaan yang menjual produk dan jasanya mempunyai undang-undang yang mengatur pembelian dan penjualan barang dan jasa.

6.     Dia telah mempelajari hukum ekonomi sejak dua tahun yang lalu.

7.     Setiap akhir bulan ibu Dea mencatat jurnal penjualan produknya yang telah terjual.

8.     Dia memperoleh uang yang dapat dipinjam dengan suku bunga yang sangat rendah dari relasinya.

9.     Sebelum mereka memulai pekerjaannya , terlebih dahulu mereka telah menyetujui persetujuan antara majikan dan buruh yang menentukan jumlah pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan atas pembayaran upah yang telah ditetapkan.

10.  Perusahaan yang memiliki dana umum dalam kepentingan tertentu.

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014



1.     Analis kredit = Credit analyst.
2.     Barang konsumsi = Consumer goods.
3.     Barang sitaan = Distressed goods.
4.     Defisit transaksi berjalan = Current account deficit.
5.     Gejolak mata uang = Currency turmoil.
6.     Industri dengan biaya tetap = Constant cost industry.
7.     Jual beli cek = Check trading.
8.     Komisi pemantau harga persaingan dagang di Australia = Australian Consumers and Competition Commission ( ACCC).
9.     Mata uang bebas = Convertible currency.
10.  Organisasi Profesi Akuntan se-Asia Pasifik = Confederation of Asian Pasific Accountants ( CAPA).
11.  Pasar terikat = Captive market.
12.  Pendanaan defisit = Deficit financing.
13.  Pertumbuhan ekonomi = Economic development.
14.  Suatu keadaan dimana perusahaan telah mengalami titik impas, artinya modal yang dikeluarkan telah kembali = Breakeven Point ( BEP).
15.  Skala ekonomi = Economic of sale.


Kalimat dengan istilah bisnis

1.     Many a professional businessman who organizes seminar about affilate marketing to gives many information and learn to be a professional businessman.

Affilate marketing : Suatu teknik yang menjelaskan cara-cara menjual produk/jasa agar mampu meningkatkan daya jual tinggi
2.     In every month he must pay on loan another busniess copartner with accrued interest cost.

Accrued interest : bunga yang tumbuh
3.     Prices for advertising a product that head on position are more expensive.

Head on position : Lokasi periklanan yang menghadap arus lalu lintas.
4.     Mr. Fauzi and his team are discussing about sales plan in meeting room.

Sales plan : Perkiraan biaya suatu barang.
5.     Every companies who sell their product or service have sale of goods act.

Sale of goods act : Undang-undang yang mengatur pembelian dan penjualan barang dan jasa.
6.     She have studied about Economic law since two years ago.

Economic law : hukum ekonomi
7.     In every last month mrs. Dea writes  sales journal about her product has been sold.

Sales journal : Jurnal penjualan.
8.     He got easy money from his colleague.

Easy money : Uang yang dapat dipinjam dengan suku bunga yang sangat rendah.
9.     Before they began  their work, they have done effort bargain.

Effort bargain : Persetujuan antara majikan dan buruh yang menentukan jumlah pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan atas pembayaran upah yang telah ditetapkan
10.   That company has general fund in specific time.

General fund : Uang yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan tertentu.